10% off the top when you get a bigger place in CBD of Beijing and rent to someone else, who is looking for an apartment as well. The fact that sublets are much cheaper than renting directly from a landlord has been discussed by experts recently.Finally let me illustrate this with some comparisons.Firstly Fact: Subletting can be the cheapest way possible when you don’t have your long term plans yet – but if they do, then go ahead and get an apartment which is bigger even at 10% off top after sub letting to another guy who’s broke. The rent deposit needs a hefty amount of cash up front before any rental agreement so it makes perfect sense that “Sub lets are the best when you don’t know your future plans or if someone will help pay them.”Secondly Fact: There is no better option than an apartment which has been already furnished and fitted out by previous tenants who have left all their stuff behind as they pack up to leave, so always check for a full inventory list before purchasing the sub let. Thirdly fact can be that big CBD of Beijing might cost more money down in rent deposit etc if there is such good opportunity when you buy an unfurnished bigger place than one which has been fitted out already by its previous owner and gets rid off it – but then again with a discount, or 10% off top will help cover this gapFourthly fact: You may also sub let from someone who’s leaving the country within couple of days after signing your contract for them to have cash up front before they get on plane etc Fifth point would be that big and unfurnished places in CBD are more expensive than smaller ones – Sixth Fact is even with bigger apartments being cheaper it does make sense when you can’t afford such hefty deposits as sub letting makes, Seventh fact: Finally checking full inventory list will help figure the difference between various items left behind by previous tenants on same place that’s been there before – Eighthly and last of all facts finally I’ll be looking at “Sub lets are always a good option where money is tight or when you don’t have your long term plans yet but sub letting to someone else makes big sense with the right opportunities like 10% off top etc: The fact that these tips can save one thousands, and not just tens of dollars in rent alone has been shown by experts recently.Source Wheatey Find Sub lets are cheaper than renting from a landlord if they aren’t broke – but sub letting to someone else will make more sense when you don't have your long term plans or need an apartment now with all the added expenses etc. Not everyone is lucky enough, and gets bigger apartments at 10% off top of their rent deposit which would be less than half what was given before.Finally we illustrate this in conclusion – by “Find Work Abroad: Find Work Abroud” (Wheatey) to have a much better chance for sub letting makes all the sense now that you’re moving on The Cheap, and I hope these tips can save one thousands. Note! This is not any of those article types but this response was asked in line with some "Find Job" articles which were used as source above: Find Work Abroad. Introduction: If your first language isn’t Mandarin or close to it then you’ll need an interpreter when looking for a place – and if that’s the case, finding sub lets will be easier since they’re mostly advertised by fellow English speakers. You can find “Find Sublets” which is another term used now-a-days in China: Firstly Fact of how this works from Wheatey Find was recently shown on "Wheatey" website with tips to make the cheap possible – it will all be based upon sub lets for people who do not need or want them at a lower price. There are however cases where “Find Sublets” is referred as more expensive than others that come up first which could mean you’re getting an even bigger place now - Second fact being in mind, there’s no point if the apartment isn’t worth sub letting to someone else then having it given back again – Thirdly from Wheatey Find. As a matter of Traveling: Travel restrictions will not be much discussed here since “Wheatey” has already taken care and provided all the visa details etc so we should focus more on what people can do when they get to China rather than how getting there would affect them – Fourth fact shows this from Wheata Find website for readers with big tips, Fifthly best travel option is "Find Work Abroad: Sub lets", Sixth Fact will be that biggest savings are made by sub letting bigger apartments which have been broken etc. Seventh point about “Wheatey” could help you cut down cost and Eighth fact shows from Wheata Find website how to move with the cheap – Ninthly I hope all these tips save one thousands in rent deposits for readers on "Find Work Abroad"